Serious Factory’s Blog

Serious Factory deploys Virtual Training Stack, the platform for resources and tools to help with instructional design

A platform rich in resources to help with instructional design

How to give ever more power to the trainer? After launching the Le Village by Serious Factory community platform at the end of 2018, including articles from experts, video tutorials, best practices and a forum for exchanging between peers, the company wanted to go further. With VTStack, Serious Factory offers the VTS Editor community a platform comprising many resources and tools to help with instructional design. The community, always eager to improve their skills, will be able to find free access and as soon as it is launched:
Graphs Extracts to design advanced gamification mechanics on VTS Editor;
Design Elements to personalize and make your creations more aesthetic and professional;
Sound bank to accentuate immersion and the likelihood of situations in context, offered to learners;
Conception materials, including an actionable model of the 9 steps model.

The publisher of the Virtual Training Suite software solution also intends to supply its new platform throughout the year, with content facilitating an engaging learning design.

The VTStack platform, placed in its creation context

Since 2016, Serious Factory has been publishing VTS Editor: authoring tool for creating Serious Games and training simulators. Since its launch, the software has revolutionized the approach to instructional design by offering trainers the unique opportunity to become true screenwriters in training, while benefiting from a high level of technology hitherto accessible only through agencies specializing in the framework of tailor-made projects, which are often expensive and time-consuming to produce. “Screenwriters”, because it is a question here of creating narrative, immersive and gamified learning experiences, closer to cinematography or the video game world than dynamic slides and a succession of quizzes to validate what has been learned.

To drive the change, you must first have the keys to the vehicle

As with any innovation, it is important to support the change to be led and to acculturate the market. Telling a coherent story to train, in a rich, realistic context full of details to maximize immersion and by interacting with its learners through mechanics, components, aesthetics and dynamics, gamification cannot be improvised. And although Serious Factory, also a QUALIOPI certified training organization, has developed its catalog of training courses accessible to all levels of users, having actionable resources to learn by doing was essential. It is even fully consistent with the philosophy of Serious Factory, for which “Learning by Doing” remains the best way to acquire, develop and anchor skills.