White paper
The 10 Challenges of a Chief Learning Officer
By Serious Factory
Promote and bring business knowledge to learners in the energy sector
Christophe HENRY & Btissam BOUGHAZOUALI
Knowledge Management Manager
White Paper
From feedback to conflict management : When avatars revolutionise soft skills!
By Axel Performance and Serious Factory
White Paper
Juicy Learning – the 9-step method
By Serious Factory
Developing life skills in training through behavioural simulators: Video testimony from VitalSmarts
Cathia BIRAC
-General Director
Accelerating development time in Digital Learning with VTS Editor: Video testimony from Netforme
Charles LEVY
Supporting post-training business development with VTS Editor : Video testimonial from Blue Training Play
Jean-Jacques JEANNIN
Never the first time… on a patient: Video testimony from APHP
Christine HEUZE
-Multimedia Pedagogical Engineer
The benefits of Digital Learning simulation: Never the first time on….
By serious Factory
White Paper
White Paper: 10 myths about Immersive Learning
Par Serious Factory
White Paper
Immersive Learning White Paper: the missing link in training
Par Serious Factory
Anchoring skills through Serious Game: Doddy Conseil’s video testimony
Pedagogical innovation for teaching with the authoring software VTS Editor : ORT video testimony
Thierry SEBAGH
-General Director
Innovate in training to boost your sales force: video testimony PRO BTP
D. Ayad, N. Riviere & M. Sangarin
-Department of Vocational Training
The reversed classroom at hand with VTS Editor: Testimony of the IUT Paris Descartes
Marketing Technique Class
The successful choice of the reversed classroom with VTS Editor: video testimony from the Lycée Albert De Mun
Fabrice RIO
- Project manager
Developing good practices for managers: Video Testimony of Learning Concept
Nathalie VASSEUR
-General Manager