Virtual Training Suite 5.0:
Commitment and learning fun at the heart of the success of your digital training courses
After 3 intense weeks of teasing, the 5.0 version of the Virtual Training Suite software solution has finally arrived! This new version represents a new step in the development of Virtual Training [...]
Virtual Training Suite 5.0 for learner engagement: teasing a new feature for VTS Perform and VTS Player
On Tuesday 16 of June 2020, Virtual Training Suite 5.0 will be launched, and in addition to badges, a new flagship feature will be introduced. Watch the teaser video below: [...]
Virtual Training Suite 5.0 at the service of learner engagement: teasing one of the new features
For the most curious among you, discover below a video teaser on a new feature that will appear very soon: Engage your learners with this system borrowed from video games To design an engaging [...]