What steps should be considered in pre-recruitment to promote commercial excellence in your team?
The bienrecruter.fr firm, founded by Gérard GUERAND, works on recruitment processes to integrate new recruits into companies in a sustainable manner. The company deploys its mission by starting with human potential, strongly favouring initial energy and the tripartite pact of trust between the [...]
O’Bilan interview: next generation skill assessment with VTS Editor
Today, Serious Factory recommends to you an interview with Jérémie Oriac, Training and Development Manager at Orica, who created a complete skills assessment method with VTS Editor: O'Bilan. Let's take a look at this new and innovative [...]
Interview with Benjamin Laroche: How can Digital Learning help risk prevention in the construction industry evolve?
CSR managers face many training challenges in the construction sector, particularly highlighted by the Horizon 2020plan. Indeed, high turnover implies regular training needs and above all adapted to learners' needs. Benjamin Laroche, Digital Learning expert at Serious Factory, explains in this [...]